What this class is

  • A full-year class that teaches you three primary things:
    • How to code webpages using HTML, CSS, and Javascript
    • How to design websites for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices
    • How to strategize your design thinking and express your ideas clearly through writing and presentations
  • This class is a lot of work! Have you taken motion? It's like that...maybe worse. So if you know you can't devote 10-15hrs a week to this class, or if you're taking it as a 5th class, you seriously consider dropping this class.
  • If you are not planning on taking this class for the full year please drop it. There are several other students who would love to take your place.

What this class isn't

  • We will not be designing or creating apps, interactive magazines, kiosks, or interactive installations. Websites only.

What we'll be using

  • Learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript by doing online tutorials from Codecademy.com
  • Using Liveweave to write code
  • Using Google Docs to submit and share work
  • Using the Adobe Suite to create web/mobile design mockups and client presentations
  • Writing design briefs (yes, writing!) to practice communicating with clients
  • Second semester we'll be using Sublime Text to write code
  • This website will be the medium through which all assignments and lessons are distributed

What we'll be working on

  • We'll be working with Genspace to update their web presence, content strategy, and social media strategy
  • This is a real life project! They are at a point where they are looking for outside help and ideas to incorporate into their overall web presence and digital strategy.
  • Through a series of assignments we will create eblasts, redesign existing web pages, take content inventory, and propose new content strategies for Genspace
  • The end of the first semester will conclude with 5 minute lightening presentations to Genspace key stakeholders

Your grade

  • 65% Assignments
    • Each assignment is graded on a scale of 1–5 based on quality and effort
    • All assignments are due Monday at 10AM
    • If the assignment is late, the maximum grade is 4
  • 20% Class participation
    • If you do not participate, there's a good chance I will not learn your name!
  • 15% Attendance (more three absences and you will fail the class)
  • Super important: DO NOT FALL BEHIND!
    • If you miss more than three consecutive assignments you will not get higher than a B
    • If you miss more than four consecutive assignments you will not get higher than a C
    • If you miss more than five consecutive assignments you will fail the class
  • Unless otherwise stated, do not work in teams. All work is to be done 100% by you, individually
  • I am not afraid to fail students and have done so multiple times in the past
  • If English is not your native language, this class will be more work for you
    • There are writing assignments and it is expected that you go to the Writing Resource Center to make sure your English is correct

Student work from first semester

  1. Client presentation
  2. Client presentation
  3. Client presentation
  1. Coding final
  2. Coding final
  3. Coding final

Student work from second semester

  1. Student Website
  2. Student Website
  3. Student Website
  4. Student Website
  5. Student Website

Coding Assignment

Deliverable: Publicly accessible Liveweave URL

  • Create accounts on Codecademy, LiveWeave, and Imgur
  • Complete the Codecademy Learn HTML tutorial
  • As you do this assignment write down any questions you have and submit them in the Google Form below
  • Using the HTML elements learned Codecademy lessons, create a simple webpage about yourself consisting of the following pieces of information (feel free to add more):
    • Your Name
    • A picture of yourself
    • A paragraph or two about yourself
    • Where you’re from
    • An interesting thing or two about where you grew up
    • Links to three websites that you visit most often
    • An image link to a funny video
  • See these instructions on how to use images in your Liveweave sketch

Writing Assignment

Deliverable: Publicly accessible Google Doc URL

  • In your own words, answer these two questions:
    • What is interactive design?
    • What is good interactive design?
    • Link to three websites that you think are particularly well designed
  • Make sure your to share this document and set the sharing settings to Anyone with link can view. This needs to be the setting for all shared documents for this course.

Submit your work

Due Monday, 9/17 @ 10AM

Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.