Questions from the assignment

  • How to place vertically arranged images in between two horizontally arranged images?
  • I uploaded the images and put it into liveweave in order, but it looks weird when I enlarge it.
  • Do we only use photoshop to design and slice it?

In class review eblast designs

Remember to take notes when we talk about yours!

  1. Kyle An :: Coding | Design | Writing
  2. Chloe (yunchung) Chung :: Coding | Design | Writing
  3. Ifah Pantitanonta :: Coding | Design | Writing
  4. Lihua Jin :: Coding | Design | Writing
  5. Alyssa Tornese :: Coding | Design | Writing
  6. Eva Zhou :: Coding | Design | Writing
  7. Hyeona Kim :: Coding | Design | Writing
  8. San Yoon :: Coding | Design | Writing
  9. Yunfei Xie :: Coding | Design | Writing
  10. Yoli Roman :: Coding | Design | Writing
  11. Day Chae :: Coding | Design | Writing
  12. Yuran Won :: Coding | Design | Writing
  13. Grace Oh :: Coding | Design | Writing
  14. Amina Cheng :: Coding | Design | Writing

Expressing change clearly to clients

A large part of any designer's work is being able to make positive changes to any design based on feedback from clients, art directors, and other designers. It's important that anyone looking at your work see and believe that you are able to adapt to changes and feedback. Let's take a look at these examples of how to communicate design decisions to clients:

Design Assignment

Deliverable: Publicly accessible URL to one PDF

  • Taking class feedback into account, redo one design

Writing Assignment

Deliverable: Publicly accessible URL to one PDF

  • Using the Calendar 2.0 document as a guide, create your own annotated version of your revised pdf that clearly articulates the changes you made to your design and why you made them

Coding Assignment

Deliverable: LiveWeave URL (Remember: always have TextEdit open for questions)

Submitting your work

Due Monday, 10/1, 10AM

Make sure all links are publicly accessible. Open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.

Extra Listening

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