Week 12

Website design review

  1. Ifah Pantitanonta :: Site deck | Final Brickheadz url |
  2. Kyle An :: Final Brickheadz url |
  3. Lihua Jin :: Site deck | Final Brickheadz url |
  4. Yunfei Xie :: Final Brickheadz url |
  5. Yolaina Roman :: Site deck |

Purchasing a domain name + hosting

  • There are lots of domain name registrants: GoDaddy, Dotster, Network Solutions. For this example we'll use Google Domains
  • Enter in your domain name and click Search. Then add it to your cart.
  • Securing the domain name is one thing, but we'll also to purchase space on a web server to put our files on. This is hosting.
  • All of the major domain name registrants also offer hosting, as an additional service. For simple sites this is generally a few dollars a month
  • There are many choices here as well, such as GoDaddy, 1and1, and Bluehost.
  • Bluehost seems to be the cheapest so lets try that

Pointing your domain name to your hosting provider

  • Login to Google Domains
  • Click Manage My Domains in the upper right corner
  • Find your domain in the list and click DNS
  • Now we'll just need to find our hosts Nameserver and enter that in...
  • Googling "Bluehost nameservers" gets us to this page
  • Add ns1.bluehost.com and ns2.bluehost.com as Custom Nameservers and click Save

Connecting to your host via FTP (Cyberduck)

  • Now we'll need to set up cyberduck to put files on our host
  • I'll need a guinea pig for this...

Introduction to Javascript

  • Like PHP, Javascript is a programming language. The difference is that PHP is executed on the server (before the page content is sent to the viewer) and Javascript is executed in the browser (after the page is rendered)
  • You may like this or you may hate it, but there's no way to know until you try!
  • There are so many online resources to help learn JS
  • Here's an example that shows how we can create a function to convert human years to dog years

Your website: Deck

Deliverable: Publicly accessible PDF

  • Revise your designs taking into account feedback from class.
  • Secret Sauce: Like we did with the Genspace, think about a new design element that would make your website more unique. This could either be a small or large feature, but whatever it is, it should distinguish it from a typical "Squarespace" site
  • Finalize your presentation. The order of slides should be:
    • Cover page
    • Optional page(s) explaining the major goal of the project and the main challenges
    • Homepage design (no annotations)
    • Link to interactive prototype of homepage
    • Homepage design (with annotations)
    • Secondary pages (with annotations)
    • Link to interactive prototype of secondary page
    • Secret Sauce
    • Wireframes
    • Content strategy
    • Thank you page

Your website: coding

Deliverable: SVA server URL or personal url

  • Using Bootstrap, code a secondary page of your website. Make sure this page is responsive and works well on mobile.

Cool links

Submitting Your Work

Due Monday, 4/22 @ 10AM

Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.