Week 11

In class discussion: Final projects

  • No questions two weeks in a row!🧐


  • Visual Arts Press (my office) is looking for a current sophomore or junior web intern for the summer and next year
  • Please refer your friends who are interested in getting hands on IxD experience! Email [email protected]
  • One of my friends at National Geographic is looking for web interns for the summer (paid at $16/hr)

Mid semester reports

  • I sent out status emails earlier today. If anyone has any concerns or extenuating circumstances, please talk to me.

Website design review

PHP review + Forms on the internet

  • Let's see how PHP can be used to make Breakheadz more dynamic...
  • We just designed a contact form for Brickheadz. What happens when it gets submitted?
  • contact-form.zip (php code for contact forms)

Find a domain name

  • If you're purchasing a domain name for your final project, use Google Domains, to find one that's available
  • If you find one you like, go ahead and purchase it
  • Note that a domain name will cost you around $12/yr and hosting, which we'll also need, will be around $5/mo. This optional (however everything on webdesign.sva.edu will be erased in early 2019).

Design assignment: Interactive prototypes

Deliverable: Publicly accessible PDF

  • Taking class feedback into account, create interactive prototypes for your homepage and secondary pages for desktop and mobile and mobile
  • Be bold! It should look better (or at least different) than a Squarespace site!
  • Finalize your presentation. The order of slides should be:
    • Cover page
    • Optional page(s) explaining the major goal of the project and the main challenges
    • Homepage design for desktop & mobile (no annotations)
    • Link to interactive prototype of homepage
    • Homepage design (with annotations)
    • Secondary pages for desktop & mobile (with annotations)
    • Link to interactive prototype of secondary page
    • Wireframes
    • Content strategy
    • Thank you page
  • If you've already done prototypes then you can start coding your secondary page (in PHP if you like!)

Coding: Final Brickheadz url

Deliverable: Publicly accessible PDF

  • Please submit your final Brickheadz site with all working links

Cool links

Submitting Your Work

Due Monday, 4/15 @ 10AM

Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.