Questions from the assignment
- Still can't link the crew page in navigation, can you show a demo please; can't target the hover background in the dropdown menu.
Intern needed for summer and 2019-2020
Review of assignments
How to use the computer
- I'm going to be honest, it pains me to see how you guys use the computer sometimes—so slow!!!
- Today we're going to look at a few ways to use the computer better
File naming and projects
- After many years, I've settled on a convention of project name > file type > date - description > files
Dealing with email
- I think you need as least two, probably three email accounts to keep your digital life organized…I have 8
Design Assignment: Wireframes + Design presentation
Deliverable: Publicly accessible PDF
- Taking class feedback into account, revise your wireframes
- Create Invision interactive prototypes where necessary to illustrate interactive ideas and link to them in your presentation
- Design three different versions of any secondary page (do this before the homepage)
- Design three different versions of your homepage (and by different, I mean really different. Do not just move boxes around! I am looking for three unique design ideas)
- The order of slides in your presentation should be:
- Cover page
- Optional page(s) explaining the major goal of the project and the main challenges
- Homepage design (no annotations)
- Homepage design (with annotations)
- Secondary pages (with annotations)
- Wireframes
- Content strategy
- Thank you page
- You may be called on randomly to give a 5 minute presentation about your site
- Start thinking about a domain name for your site if you intend to purchase one. If you do purchase one, I would suggest purchasing it through Google Domains
Coding Assignment: Your First Freelance Gig!
Deliverable: SVA Server URL
- This is the last Brickheadz assignment. The site in its entirety will be judged as portion of your final grade.
- The crew wants to add an about page and a contact page + thank you page
- In the mockups ==> 04.about+contact folder, look at annotatedPages.pdf
- Make sure the new pages also work on mobile and tablet
- Make sure to follow the instructions and add the copyright footer to all pages and updating the spelling of "Biggz" ==> "Bigggz"
- Lastly, remove the Crew dropdown menu throughout the site and instead point the Crew menu item to the crew landing page
- Make sure everything links! All sidebars and navigation elements should link. The site should be 100% functional.
- Extra credit: Add breadcrumbs to each page
Cool links
Submitting Your Work
Due Monday, 4/1 @ 10AM
Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.