Questions from the assignment
- How to customize the navigation in Bootstrap
- I had a problem with nav dropdown.
- Can't submit my screenshot png link, I tried ftp and http, but it says it's not a valid URL? (the ending is .png, should I create a HTML file to display it?)
- What is a proper way to make a reusable hero module and vertically align(middle) contents in the div?
Intern needed for summer and 2019-2020
Assignment review
- Lihua Jin :: Coding (MAMP) | Content Strategy | Brickheadz
- Kyle An :: Coding (MAMP) | Content Strategy |
- Amina Cheng :: Content Strategy | Brickheadz
- Grace Oh :: Coding (MAMP) | Content Strategy | Brickheadz
- Alyssa Tornese :: Coding (MAMP) | Content Strategy |
- Yunfei Xie :: Coding (MAMP) | Content Strategy | Brickheadz
Freelancing: How to (and how not to)
- Ryan Durinick, Senior Designer at Visual Arts Press, will talk about his path from graduation (BFA Design alumni) to where he is today
- He will be referencing your invoices for the Brickheadz site
Road to full stack designer/developer
- Declan Van Welie, Web Designer and Developer at Visual Arts Press, will talk about his path from graduation (RISD) to where he is today
Design Assignment: Wireframes
Deliverable: Publicly accessible PDF
- Create wireframes for every page template on your site.
- Try using a prototyping tool like Sketch
- Remember this starts with a sitemap (like so, pg 26) and then the sitemap is shown, minimized, on each ensuing page (with the current page highlighted)
- The order of slides in your presentation should be:
- Cover page
- Optional page(s) explaining the major goal of the project and the main challenges
- Homepage wireframes (remember to have the sitemap in the corner of the page like we did with our Genspace sitemaps)
- Secondary page wireframes
- Content strategy
- Thank you page
Coding Assignment: Your First Freelance Gig!
Deliverable: SVA Server URL
- The client has added two new members to the team: QueenB & JiggySnake. They need to be added to the navigation and homepage sidebar
- The client has provided designs for Crew > landing page in the mockups folder. Note the different layouts for desktop, tablet, and mobile
- By the end of this assignment you should have: working homepage, working crew sidebar navigation, each crew member should have his/her own page, crew landing page with links to crew members individual page
- Everything's on Google Drive, the mockups > 03 folder
Cool links
Submitting Your Work
Due Monday, 3/25 @ 10AM
Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.