Questions from the assignment

  • I have an issue with responsive mobile version, 2. How can I link to local font, 3. Goolge sheets asks the number not URL
  • I want to submit my content inventory but it says 'must be numbers?' What should I do?
  • -Can you go over how to upload to file zilla again, I wasn't able to upload

Assignment review

The limits of the file:// protocol

  • Up untill now we've been working locally by dragging our files from Finder into a web browser
  • While this works, there are some drawbacks:
    • Default loading of index.html when visiting a folder does not work
    • Some web typography platforms will not work
    • Cannot use more advanced scripting languages (like PHP), which we'll get to later
  • Let's look at an example of the default index.html not working locally. Download this project.

Introducing MAMP

  • The MAMP "stack" (Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is commonly used to develop websites on the mac platform
  • Apache is the most widely used webserver on the planet (wait, what's a webserver?). It's free and open source. Other popular webservers: Ngnix (free), Microsoft IIS ($$$).
  • MySQL is the most commonly used database on the planet. It's free and open sourced. Other popular databases: Oracle ($$$), MongoDB (free), Microsoft SQL Server ($$$), Postgre SQL ($$$).
  • PHP is one of the most commonly used web development scripting langugaes on the planet. It's free and open sourced. Other popular web development scripting languages: Ruby on Rails, Node JS, Microsoft .NET, Python (all free)
  • Other popular web development "stacks": The MEAN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, NodeJS
  • Downloading and installing MAMP will essentially allow us to run a webserver on our local computer. This is helpful because we'll be able to replicate the server environment on our local machine.
  • Also, LiveReload...

Using a web server

  • The main idea is that instead of going to Finder and double clicking our .html file to view it in Chrome (with the file:/// protocol), we're going to replicate the how web files are actually viewed which is over the http protocol (http://)
  • We do this by installing a webserver—in this case we'll be using Apache—as a kind of middleman so that we can access our files locally over http
  • Let's get started by installing MAMP, which stands for "My Apache - MySQL - PHP," which is a very common technology "stack" for developing websites
  • (In this case a "stack" refers to different layers of technology. Apache is the web server, MySQL is the database, and PHP is the scripting language)
  • Unfortunately you won't be able to install this in the lab because it requires an administrator password, so if you don't have a laptop, look on with someone who does
  • Once it's installed go to Applications/MAMP and launch the MAMP app and simply click "Start Servers"
  • A page in a web browser will automatically popup, it's address will be http://localhost:8888/MAMP/?language=English. If you see that, it's working!
  • Now move your brickheadz folder into /Applications/MAMP/htdocs and you should be able to access it at http://localhost:8888/brickheadz
  • If that's working you're on your way to great things!

Coding Assignment: Install MAMP locally

  • Install MAMP locally if you didn't do this in class
  • Move the brickheadz site into the htdocs folder
  • Take a screenshot of your brickheadz site running on MAMP on your computer (the url shoudl be http://localhost:8888/brickheadz)
  • FTP this screenshot png (removing all spaces in the filename if there are any) to the webserver and send a link to the screenshot

LiveReload—try this!

  • Possibly the best thing about Liveweave was the fact that it automatically updated the view of the webpage as we typed our HTML and CSS
  • I tested this out with MAMP and it works great!
  • It does cost $10 but I think it's totally worth it if you can afford it.
    1. Buy LiveReload (either Mac App Store or direct download)
    2. Once you have the app in your Applications folder, open it > click the + button on the lower left corner > add the MAMP htdocs
    3. Add the Chrome (or Safari) browser extension
    4. You should then see this icon in your Chrome browser
    5. Click that icon and you should see the hollow circle in the middle of the icon turn solid
    6. That means LiveReload is connected!
    7. Open any HTML or CSS file (from your MAMP > htdocs directory) in Sublime and make a change to the file
    8. The browser should reload automatically each time you save any of those files—it's magic!

Design Assignment: Your Content Strategy & Sitemap

Deliverable: Publicly accessible PDF

  • Think seriously about the content strategy for your website. Following the same method as we did for Genspace, create a content strategy for your site.
  • Now that you have your content inventory, create a sitemap like you did for Genspace
  • We're going to build a full deck like we did for Genspace so remember:
    • Cover page
    • Sitemap
    • Content strategy
    • Thank you page

Coding Assignment: Your First Freelance Gig!

Deliverable: SVA Server URL + publicly accessible PDF

  • Great news! The client liked what you did for the homepage so much that they've decided to give you the entire job!
  • But first...they need to know how much this will cost...
  • Using the NuSchool Project Pricing Calculator, prepare an estimate
  • Draw up a simple invoice as a publicly accessible PDF and submit it. Do this before starting to code.
  • Print out the invoice and bring it to class
  • Using whatever mechanism you want, track the time you spend on this assignment. There are many apps for this (I use Timings).
  • The client has decided to build out a page for each member of the crew and add navigation to the top of each page
  • By the way, if you didn't do the homepage with Bootstrap, please do so. It will make this part of the assignment much easier.
  • They have also meticulously organized the files for this next part of the job on Google Drive
  • Look at the Mockups > 02.crew folder. Be sure to look at the pdf which explains the navigation menu's interactive components
  • Each crew member's bio is in assets/03.crew bios
  • All the image assets you need have already been resized and are in the img folder
  • Work on this website locally and then upload the site to the SVA server and submit the URL
  • Note how many hours you spent on these pages. Submit this on the Google form
  • If you need to fix your homepage, do that as well

Cool links

Submitting Your Work

Due Monday, 3/19 @ 10AM

Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.