Questions from the assignment

  • I upload on the ftp at school but cannot find the link for the assignment posting.
  • How can I link JavaScript sheet to HTML sheet?
  • Assignment review

    1. Lihua Jin :: Responsive resume | Genspace
    2. Ifah Pantitanonta :: Responsive resume | Genspace
    3. Yunfei Xie :: Responsive resume | Genspace
    4. Donghee An :: ???

    In class discussion: Falling behind

    • Too many students are not keeping up with the weekly assignments.
    • I personally strongly dislike when students sloff off the weekly assignments only to rush to finish everything the last week of the semester for the following reasons:
      • It's inimical to learning. It's the equivalent of cramming for a test, except instead of forgetting a few weeks of learning you forget the whole semester
      • It's a pain to grade because you end up submitting the final project for every assignment making it impossible to truly gage progress
    • Announcement: if you have missed 3 consecutive assignments you will not get higher than a C
    • You have until Monday, Mar 11 to fix this.

    Navigation with Bootstrap

    Coding Assignment: Your First Freelance Gig!

    Deliverable: SVA Server URL

    • Congrats—you graduated from SVA! Now it's July and you need money to pay your rent. No problem, you'll just get a quick freelance gig on Craigslist...
    • You see this one job, $1250 for a responsive one page website. Sweet—I can do that! Easy money!
    • Here are the assets.
      • assets: original photography
      • img: crops you can use for thumbnails
      • font: Avenir in case you didn't have it. Do not distribute.
      • mockups: this is what the finished html page should look like for desktop and mobile
      • psd: layered PSD files for desktop and mobile
      • www: you can put the html, css and js files you create in here
    • Create one file: index.html along with a css folder for your style sheet. Work on this locally.
    • When your done working locally, upload your brickheadz folder to the server and verify everything uploaded correctly

    Final project: Content inventory

    Deliverable: Google Sheet

    • Make a list of what you think the different sections of your website will be
    • List all pages for each section
    • Create a Google Sheet of all your content, like we did first semester, and what section of your website it will go in

    Cool links

    Submitting Your Work

    Due Monday, 3/11 @ 10AM

    Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.