In class discussion: Privacy on the web

Responsive Resume: Review

Review: Web Servers, FTP, External Editors

  • Working locally
  • Connecting to the server
  • Uploading
  • Project folder structure
  • Relative and absolute paths (with Terminal)
  • Including external libraries like jQuery and Bootstrap

Responsive Design: Introducing Bootstrap

Bootstrap Assignment

  • Finish reading and, using Sublime, experiment with the examples in this article (start with where it says "The Basic Bootstrap Styles Everyone Should Know")

Coding Assignment: FTP, Web Server, Local Development

Deliverable: SVA Server URL

  • Take the final Liveweave sketches you did for the Genspace homepage and about page from last semester and recreate them locally
  • In Finder, wherever you want, create a new folder "genspace"
  • Inside Genspace create three new folders: "css", "img", and "js" for your CSS, images, and javascript respectively
  • Put the CSS code in a new file "app.css" and the javascript code in a new file called "app.js" and save them to their respective folders
  • Download all the images used on the site and put them in the img folder.
  • Just like you downloaded the images and put them in a local folder, you'll need to do the same with any javascript that we included using the Liveweave's > Add Library functionality. This includes jQuery (see this post for help)
  • Fonts are not download-able, so keep the same font embed code as you have in your Liveweave sketch
  • In your HTML, using relative paths (here's a YouTube video that explains it), relink all the files so all the CSS, Javascript, and images are being accessed from your local machine (so for example, all <img src="img/<imageName>") should start with the name of the img folder, "img")
  • Take the final design you did for Genspace last semester and upload it to the server in a new folder inside public_html called Genspace
  • Submit the link to the page on the server
  • Note: You cannot submit a local url (a local url is one that starts with the file protocol: file://). The Google form will not accept this as it is not a valid URL. You must submit the URL for the page on the server, which will start with<yourUserName>/<fileYouWantToSubmit>.html
  • The folder structure should be something like this:
    • /genspace
      • index.html <-- Homepage
        • /about
          • index.html
        • /css
          • app.css (your css here)
          • bootstrap.min.css
        • /js
          • app.js (your js here)
          • bootstrap.bundle.min.js
        • /img
  • Make sure the homepage links to the about page (in the navigation) and vice versa
  • Make sure your about/index.html pages links to the app.css that's in your genspace/css folder. Do not create a new css file for this page. Combine the CSS into one file.
  • Zip the genspace folder and upload it. Also make sure to bring it to class.

Coding Assignment: Your resume + Bootstrap

Deliverable: Liveweave URL

  • Recode your responsive resume using Bootstrap
  • The first step is to download the (compiled) Bootstrap CSS and Javascript files and link to them in your html file
  • Start by copying the Starter Template here. In this case "path-to-css-folder" and "path-to-js-folder" are blank (because the folders are in the same directory as index.html
  • The folder structure should be something like this:
    • /resume
      • index.html
        • /css
          • app.css (your css here)
          • bootstrap.min.css
        • /js
          • app.js (your js here)
          • bootstrap.bundle.min.js
  • Refactor your HTML using <div class='row'><div class='col-md-xx'></div></div>
  • Zip the resume folder and upload it. Also make sure to bring it to class

Further Reading

Cool links

Submitting Your Work

Due Monday, 2/18 @ 10AM

Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.