Class goals
- Phase I: HTML/CSS/JS refresh
- Phase II: Responsive web design with Bootstrap
- Phase III: Real world servers, FTP, domain names
- Phase IV: Create an online personal project or portfolio site
Class notes
- This class is a lot of coding
- Responsive design generally means coding for 3 platforms at once (desktop, table, mobile), which can sometimes mean 3x as much code
- You may want to consider dropping if coding isn't your thing...
- On the other hand, having a deep understanding of responsive design and how to do it is extremely valuable in the marketplace
Your grade
- 65% Assignments
- Each assignment is graded on a scale of 1–5 based on quality and effort
- All assignments are due Monday at 10AM
- If the assignment is late, the maximum grade is 4
- 20% Class participation
- 15% Attendance (more three absences and you will fail the class)
- Above all, do not fall behind! This class is cumulative, meaning that each week truly builds on the previous week. Falling behind is a recipe for disaster.
Student work from second semester
Refresh: Web typography
Refresh: How the Internet works
Let's learn about Net Neutrality
- My two second summary: If you get your internet service from Time Warner (now Spectrum) and you rent Captain America: Civil War on iTunes, but Time Warner offers the same move onDemand, do they have the right to slow down your iTunes download to encourage you to rent it from Time Warner instead? After all, why should Apple profit from their infrastructure?
- Net Neutrality on Wikipedia
- John Oliver on Net Neutrality
Design Assignment: Your print resume
Deliverable: Link to online PDF
- Use this opportunity to redesign your resume!
- Think of five words that you want to describe your professional self. Write those down.
- Redesign your resume to make it reflect those words
Coding Assignment: Your online resume
- Do not add Microsoft Office as a skill
- Avoid self rating of skills with charts
- Avoid a mission statement unless you have something uniquely "you" to say
- Your education should come first
- Include personal interests
- Include HTML, CSS, familarity with JavaScript
Coding Assignment: Your online resume
Deliverable: Liveweave URL
- The goal of this assignment is to refresh your knowledge of HTML and CSS so it's in your best interest to use as much of it as possible
- Start with your print resume
- Think about how to structure the typography using divs, h, li, and p tags
- Include links to websites of companies and projects you've worked on
- Include a custom font from Google Fonts
- Include a link for your email address and make sure it works
Submitting your work
Due Monday, 1/21 @ 10AM
Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.
Cool Links