What lies ahead...
- Responsive design and coding with Bootstrap
- Coding your resume for desktop, tablet, and mobile
- Content strategy, sitemap, wireframes for your own personal project
- Buying a domain name, FTP, internet hosting
- Designing and coding your own website from scratch and putting it online
Looking back...
- Take a second to look back on what you've achieved this semester and be proud!
- Look at the HTML and CSS of your final homepage design. Did you think you'd be able to write all that code at the beginning of the semester?
- It was a lot of work but you've come a long way!
Art & Activism
- If you're looking for a humanities class for next semester, consider HPD-2514-R: Art & Activism
- A new studio-based humanities course that explores our current political landscape and how to navigate it
- Tell your friends!
Final Presentations
- Lihua Jin :: Final deck
- Alyssa Tornese :: Final deck
- Hyeona Kim :: Final deck
- Grace Oh :: Final deck
- Kyle An :: Final deck
- San Yoon :: Final deck
- Ifah Pantitanonta :: Final deck
- Day Chae :: Final deck
- Yoli Roman Nicasio :: Final deck
- Yunfei Xie :: Final deck
- Peiyu eva Zhou :: Final deck
- Amina Cheng :: Final deck
- Peter Dommermuth :: Final deck
Enjoy the break!
- There are no assignments over break
- If you're itching for something to do to stay sharp, then my best advice is to take a personal project of your own or someone close to you and just create the website!
- The best way to learn this stuff is by doing, and the more you do the more you'll learn. Simple as that.
- Otherwise enjoy the deserved time off. See you next semester!
Further reading
Further watching
Submitting your work
Do not submit anything to any Google forms for at least two weeks. That's an order!