Week 14

Questions from the assignment

  • How to make my two slideshows both work together?

Art & Democracy

  • How to change the size of slider?
  • how to get rid of share/like button for vimeo embed
  • autoplay=1 doesn't work?
  • I tried to overlay the text on the auto- video on Homepage and failed. How can I overlay the text?

Assignment Review

Remember to take notes when we discuss yours

  1. Lihua Jin :: Homepage | Secret Sauce | Coding | Deck
  2. Hyeona Kim :: Homepage | Secret Sauce | Coding | Deck
  3. San Yoon :: Homepage | Secret Sauce | Coding | Deck
  4. Yunfei Xie :: Homepage | Secret Sauce | Deck
  5. Peiyu eva Zhou :: Homepage | Secret Sauce | Deck
  6. Yoli Roman nicasio :: Homepage | Secret Sauce | Deck
  7. Grace Oh :: Homepage | Secret Sauce | Deck
  8. Yoli Roman :: Homepage | Secret Sauce | Deck
  9. Kyle An :: Homepage | Secret Sauce | Coding | Deck

Course evaluations

  • If you haven't done this yet, do it!

Late assignments

  • All assignments are due before class on 12/17 at 10AM. Assignments will not be accepted after that time.

In class discussion: The Internet!

Design Assignment

  • Finish Secret Sauce interactive prototype
  • Finish Homepage design

Client Presentation

Deliverable: Client presentation or URL to video

  • Prepare a 5-7 minute client presentation to be given to Genspace staff on 12/17
  • Practice this presentation in the mirror several times
  • Your deck will be on screen while you present so you can refer to your design at any point during your presentation
  • Remember do not read from your deck! That makes for a bad (and disengaged) presentation. Just refer to it for cues about what to talk about
  • Since you only have a few minutes you'll want to focus on the most interesting parts of your presentation.
  • Identify those parts in advance (usually homepage, identity work, buy tickets, secret sauce, experts page) and be prepared to talk about them
  • If you will not be here, let me know in advance! We will either arrange a Google hangout or you will create a video of your presentation and post it online (Google, YouTube, Vimeo, DropBox, etc.). Submit the link in the Google form

The Final "Deck"

Deliverable: Publicly accessible PDF

  • Revise your final presentation, often called a "deck", taking into account any notes from class
  • Your final presentation should look good! Imagine you need this job to make your rent next month, that's how good it should look!
  • All final presentations will be sent to Genspace
  • Remember: For all your web design pages, the canvas size should not be the default 8 1/2" x 11". Format the page to best suite your design
  • If you want to link out to your designs on Sketch Cloud then be sure to embed those links in your PDF
  • Here's the order:
    1. Introduction title page (make sure to include your contact information)
    2. If you've reworked their identity, put that first (include a "Brand Identity" title slide as well)
    3. Title slide : Homepage design
    4. Homepage design
    5. Annotated version
    6. Liveweave link to fully functioning homepage
    7. Title slide : About the Lab page
    8. About the Lab page design
    9. About the lab annotations
    10. Liveweave link to fully functioning About the Lab page
    11. Title slide : Secret Sauce
    12. "Secret Sauce" design (link to prototype if applicable)
    13. Title slide : E-blast campaigns
    14. E-blast campaigns
    15. Links to your eblasts on Liveweave
    16. Title slide : Sitemap & Wireframes
    17. Sitemap
    18. Wireframes
    19. Title slide : Content Strategy
    20. Content strategy
    21. Thank you page
  • If English is not your native language, please make an appointment at the Writing Resource Center to perfect your final presentation
  • Spell check, spell check, spell check!!!

Submitting your work

Due Monday, 12/17 @ 10AM

Make sure all links are publicly accessible (your grade will be lower if I cannot access your work). To make sure, open up a new private/incognito browser window and test all links before submitting. After the links have been tested, submit them to this Google Form.

Cool Links